40 Ways to Save Water at Home

There are different ways to save water at home. If you think you have taken all possible actions to save water at home, with this easy guide, check that you are not missing an opportunity to do so.

If you decide to get a wrench to adjust that tap that is always dripping, you will have saved 140 gallons of water per week. However, saving water goes beyond repairing leaks.

With the following 40 ways to save water at home, you will become a sustainable consumer of water and, if you share them with your children, your maid, gardener, neighbors, friends, and other people nearby, your contribution will be more significant.

How to Save Water at Home?

Save Water in the Kitchen and Laundry

Save water in your kitchen

  1. Use your dishwasher or washing machine only when they are full. You can save up to a thousand gallons a month.
  2. Soap all the dishes and, until later, rinse them all together.
  3. The tap water is drinkable but, so as not to lose a single drop, do not fill your glass directly from the tap, better fill a pitcher with water.
  4. Wash fruits and vegetables in a bowl of water instead of direct tap water.
  5. Collect the water you use to wash fruits and vegetables and reuse it to water your plants.
  6. Designate a glass to drink water throughout the day or fill a bottle of water. This will reduce the number of glasses to be washed each day.
  7. Do not let the water run to thaw food. Defrost by leaving the food in the refrigerator.
  8. Adjust the level of water in the washer to the size of the laundry load.
  9. Make sure the hot water system at the kitchen and laundry works well, so you do not have to let the water run for a while.
  10. You do not have to wash your clothes always with hot water. If you wash your dark clothes with cold water, you can save water and maintain the color of your clothes.
  11. Do not let the water run while you rinse your clothes. Better fill a bucket with water and deposit the garments there.
  12. Before buying a new washing machine, compare the amount of water you will save with each model. Remember that if you choose well, you will also save energy.

Save Water in the Bathroom

Save water in your bathroom

  1. If your shower is capable of filling up to one gallon in less than 20 seconds, replace it with a more efficient model. You can save up to 750 gallons of water per month.
  2. If you shorten the time you take to bathe a minute or two, you will save up to 150 gallons of water per month.
  3. You have always been told to turn off the water when you brush your teeth, but did you know that you can save up to 25 gallons of water if you do?
  4. Bathe your young children at the same time.
  5. In case you need to leave the faucet or watering can open to have hot water, place a container or a bucket to collect it and then reuse it in the toilet or to water plants.
  6. Instead of throwing tissues in the toilet, throw them in the trash can.
  7. Close the shower while you wash your hair to save up to 140 gallons of water per month.
  8. Turn off the sink faucet while shaving and save up to 300 gallons of water per month.
  9. To save time and money, you can wash your face and your teeth while you are bathing.

Save Water in the Garden

Save water at your garden

  1. Water your garden in the morning or at dusk, because cooler temperatures prevent evaporation of water.
  2. Install new toilets with more efficient models.
  3. Use a broom instead of the hose to clean your stool and garage.
  4. If the water drains too much after watering the grass, water your garden in shorter periods for better absorption.
  5. Use water sprinklers for large areas of grass. Use small patches to prevent leaks in these sprinklers.
  6. If you have a water irrigation control, install a rain sensor, so the system will not activate when it is raining.
  7. Reduce the amount of grass in your garden by planting bushes or other types of foliage trees.
  8. Do not water your garden on windy days, since most of the water will disperse or evaporate.
  9. Water your plants so that the water reaches deeper, although you water them less frequently. In this way, the roots will grow more and resist more time.
  10. Group the plants that have the same needs for water quantity to avoid overwatering or less watering.
  11. Arrange a layer of organic material on the soil surface of your plants to minimize the growth of grass that grows to compete for water.
  12. The “waterfall” system sources spend less water than any other type.
  13. Learn how to deactivate your automatic irrigation system for cases when it is not working when you find a leak or when it rains unexpectedly.
  14. Check the water level of your pool and, after 24 hours, check the brand to see if you have a major leak.
  15. If you can not water your garden frequently, examine the earth. With a small garden, shovel digs a little and, if the soil is dry to six centimeters from the surface, it is time to water.
  16. Make sure your pools or fountains have a pump system that circulates the water.
  17. If possible, wash your vehicle on the grass. This way, you will be watering it at the same time.
  18. Use water irrigators that let the water out in large drops, as the smaller drops usually evaporate before reaching the ground.
  19. Bathe your pets in the garden when they need to be watered.

Do not forget to monitor the consumption of water in your payment receipts to identify any high consumption. Remember that this is the best way to discover leaks.
Do not hesitate to report broken pipes and any other type of leakage on public roads to the offices of Water and Drainage.

By last

Have you thought about these possibilities? Be creative and think of other everyday actions to save water.

Locate where the key to your house is. If you close it at night, you can save the water from some leaks that you have not located.

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